Sticky samplers by traveling in and out of a latent universe
, A. Nishimura
In progress
Bouncy Hamiltonian samplers: A unifying framework for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo and piecewise deterministic processes
, A. Nishimura
arXiv | Preprint
hdtg: An R package for high-dimensional truncated normal simulation
Z. Zhang, , A. Nishimura, M. A. Suchard
arXiv | Preprint
Real-time estimation of Covid-19 infections: Deconvolution and sensor fusion
M. Jahja, , R. J. Tibshirani
Statistical Science | 2022
An open repository of real-time COVID-19 indicators
A. Reinhart, [et al., including ]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2021
Python package for Bayesian Sparse Regression.
Added GPU support and implementing additional sampling algorithms.
github | PyPI
R package for sampling from high-dimensional truncated normal distributions.
Implemented Exact HMC algorithm of Pakman and Paninski in C++/Rcpp.
github | CRAN
R and Python packages for accessing and visualizing COVIDcast data.
Core contributor and maintainer from 2020-2021.
github | PyPI | CRAN
Advanced Statistical Computing
Teaching Assistant
JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health | 3rd Term 23-24
Real Analysis I
Teaching Assistant
JHU Whiting School of Engineering | Fall Term 22-23
Statistical Computing, Algorithm, and Software Development
Teaching Assistant
JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health | 3rd Term 22-23, 3rd Term 23-24
Statistical Methods in Public Health
Lead Teaching Assistant
JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health | 2nd Term 24-25, 3rd Term 24-25
Statistical Methods in Public Health
Teaching Assistant
JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health | 4th Term 22-23, 1st Term 23-24, 2nd Term 23-24